Rabbi Jacob Berman Community Center

Weekly Bulletin: Parashat Ki Teitzei 5774

מרכז קהילתי ע"ש הרב יעקב ברמן

פרשת כי-תצא תשע"ד

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Please use the e-mail address bermanshul@gmail.com for bulletin-related communications, including:


Kiddush this week is sponsored by Pennina and Hershel Safer "with thanks to הקב״ה for all the blessings in our lives",

and by Jeannette and Dunn Rabinowitz in celebration of Dunny's upcoming 70th birthday..with wishes for many more years in good health and happiness!!


Life cycle:

Engagement and wedding:

  • מזל טוב לסיסי ואדי יעקבסון על אירוסי הנכד אבישי בר-נוי  מרעננה לאמונה קליין ממעלה אדומים, ולהורים צביה ואהוד בר-נוי. 

    HOSPITALITY - הכנסת אורחים
    גדולה הכנסת אורחים יותר מקבלת פני השכינה, שבת קכ"ז 
    The community wishes to know about new arrivals or people planning to come to Rehovot so that we can welcome them. You may send in their details for the weekly bulletin, to hospitality@bermanshul.org or to Chaya Tannor. As we learn from Avraham Avenu, please open your homes to our guests and newest arrivals. This link will take you will take you to the current list of new families, their contact information, and selected pictures so you can recognize them and say hi in shul.

    MISHEBEIRACH LECHOLIM + BIKKUR CHOLIM - מישברך לחולים וביקור חולים  
    Colour codes: Berman Events  / Outreach-קהילה /  Other events* /  Localized Hebrew Calendar ← Click on a link to subscribe
    *The Berman Community is not responsible for the propriety of the
    "Other events"

    Click on any event to display the details -
    כולל תוכן של דרשות ביום שבת
    Please note that the Berman Community is not responsible for the Halachic propriety or kashrut of items listed


  • מדרשת שבת, בשעה 17:15 בבית המדרש של הישיבה.שיעור השבוע ינתן ע'י הרב נחמן ארנרייך.

  • Weekly shiur (in Hebrew) sponsored by Yeshivat Hadarom and the Rehovot municipality at 17:15 in the Yeshiva Beit Midrash. For more info. contact Arye Noy.

  • Personals: