Jacob Berman Community Center     מרקז קהילתי ע"ש יעקב ברמן

Weekly Bulletin: Sukkot 5770  סוכות תש"ע‬

Items for the bulletin should be sent to bermanshul@gmail.com   


The community wishes to know about new arrivals or people planning to come to Rehovot so that we can welcome them. You may send in their details for the weekly bulletin, or to hospitality@bermanshul.org, or contact Sara Feigelson or Chaya Tannor.

Happenings of interest to the community are listed in various Google Calendars, viewable at http://calendar.bermanshul.org or on the shul web page www.bermanshul.org. If you use Google calendars you can combine our calendars with your own. Davening times are given in the official shul Calendar available from http://bermanshul.org/calendar.pdf.
Please note that the Berman Community does not take responsibility for the propriety of the non-shul events.

Upcoming events: 
(Colour codes: Berman Events     Outreach/קהילה   Other events

Please note that the Berman Community does not take responsibility for the Halachic propriety or kashrut of items listed.

  • I would like to give away a set of Talmud Steinzaltz .If you are interested call Linda Tanny at home 08-9469371
  • נא עזרי לי למצוא מי שילמד את הבן שלי את ההפטרה שלו ופרשת השבוע לקראת הבר מצווה
    Anybody interested in teaching a bar-mitza boy? Mazal tov -- here's contact particulars of the bar-mitzva mom:
    054-448681, kobik3@bezeqint.net, עירית קול
  • Does anyone have a Xerox PE16 printer-photocopier? I have a toner cartridge for the above, to give away of course -- pity to waste it. Susie Dym sddym@bezeqint.net